2008 Archive |
December 27: Christmas in Birmingham
December 20: A Stitcher Christmas
December 13: A Slow Week...Sort of
November 29: Thanksgiving Dinner
November 22: Warm and Sunny Florida
November 15: A Birthday Celebration
October 25: The Tooth Fairy Visits Jackson
October 18: A Visit to Gorham's Bluff
October 4: The Last Rose of Summer?
September 13: Mom Celebrates 90 Good Years
September 6: Nancy's High School Homecoming
August 30: Nancy and the Golden Girls
August 23: Jackson's Sixth Birthday
August 16: Ready for Kindergarten
August 9: School Begins and Gardening Help
July 12: Sedona's "PrayingHands"
July 5: 30 Years in the Making
June 14: Orange Beach, Alabama
May 31: Nancy, John, Savannah, and Ian
May 24: Savannah Graduates to Junior High
May 17: Two Grandsons in Action
May 10: Cousin Susan and Family
May 3: John Michael Turns Three
April 19: "Take Me Out To The Ball Game"
April 12: Easter Week Continued
March 15: A Two-Birthday Celebration
March 8: Ian Leads Team to Championship
March 1: My Mother With Her Grandchildren
February 16: Bright-Eyed and Bushy-Tailed
January 26: Happy Birthday, Ian
January 12: Two More Christmas Pictures