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Easter Eggs

Last Saturday, the day before Easter, Nancy set up the egg coloring station in our kitchen, and we colored a few eggs. Just for the record, the Easter bunny did stop by the following morning with some good dark chocolate.

We had another first (since the accident) for Nancy. Early this week we went outside to check on how the bushes and plants around our house were doing. Instead of using the chair lift in the garage, she went out the front door and walked down the steps from the front porch. And she returned to the house by walking up those same steps. Her efforts were greatly helped by the new railings that she had installed last year. But it was a first time for those steps. She also drove the car to Target and back. I think on the same day.

I had an interesting conversation with a Blue Cross customer care person this week. I called them checking on a charge from the hospital for my recent X-ray. I explained the situation, and the Blue Cross person asked if she could put me on hold for a few minutes. I said OK. She came back on line several minutes later saying that she had talked to the financial people at the local hospital and they were going to cut me a check to cover the overcharge. I expected that I would have to do that myself and was surprised and pleased to find it all taken care of by the nice lady at Blue Cross.