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Christmas Day in Birmingham

In 2007 our daughter Melissa brought her family from Arizona to Alabama arriving at the Birmingham airport on Christmas day. Nancy and I picked them up at the airport and drove to Mark's house for dinner and an over-night visit. The next day we gathered near Mark's Christmas tree and took a family picture, which I posted on the following Saturday. I have taken and posted a similar family picture from Birmingham every year, save one, since then.

The above picture was snapped on Christmas Day. Nancy and I are standing on the left next to Mark and Jenny. Jackson (14), John Michael (11) and Margaret (7) are standing on the steps next to their parents. Jenny prepared a very nice Christmas dinner that evening, and we returned to Huntsville the next day.

As I write, it's New Year's Eve, so we want to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2017. See you all next year!