I've been scanning old slides. This one has a story.
A few days after our wedding we hopped into Nancy's yellow Corvair Monza and headed off on our honeymoon. Our rule, as I remember it, was to drive no more than 300 miles a day and to see where that would take us. Several days later we arrived at Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills of South Dakota. There we met another couple who were also married in a Catholic church on the 16th and were on their honeymoon headed to all the same places we were thinking about. During the next several days, the 4 of us toured Rushmore and the Black Hills and found our way to Yellowstone National Park in north-western Wyoming. We went different ways once we arrived at Yellowstone. I think they were planning to travel north into Montana while we were headed south to the Grand Tetons.
That was the last time we saw them. Although we exchanged a couple Christmas cards over the next years, we eventually lost touch. A couple days ago I came across this slide. We spent a considerable amount of time trying to remember their names. They're the couple on the right above. Not many people take another couple on their honeymoon, but this turned out rather well. We just can't remember their names, but we do recall that they were interesting and fun to be around...during the day!