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Our First Cars

I've been digitizing old prints, slides, and negatives. The years have not been kind to many of these pictures. I hope to preserve the more interesting ones by scanning and storing them on our computers.

Here are 2 scans from old slides: our first two cars. When I met Nancy, she was driving a 1964 Corvair Monza that she bought after graduating from nursing school. We drove that car across the country to Yellowstone Park and back on our honeymoon. I was always struck by the fact that at first glance, you couldn't tell which end was the front. Also, notice that the rear tire is not a whitewall like the front. I wonder how that happened.

We purchased the Camero after I started to graduate school in Indiana, Pennsylvania, in 1968. I remember 2 things about that car: 1) The dealer who sold it to us told Nancy's Dad that he thought the car had too much power for kids our age! I wasn't sure how to react to that. I was 26. 2) Since it was my first car {Up to then I saw no reason to own a car. I did my moving around on ships.}, we had a lot of trouble getting insurance. To this day I refuse to have anything to do with "the good hands" people who labeled me "high risk" in 1968. We've been with State Farm ever since.