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It's Supposed to Help

It has been under consideration for a year or more. Around the end of August, Nancy made the decision to undergo surgery on her lower back to hopefully relieve some of the pain she feels almost every day in her back and legs. The surgery to repair a spinal stenosis was scheduled at Huntsville Hospital for this past Tuesday at 7 AM. Long story short, she was taken into the OR at 1:45 PM. At 5:30 the surgeon met with me, said everything went as planned, and gave me this X-ray. By 8 PM she was in room 1852, and I was able to visit.

It has been anything but an easy recovery. No complications from the surgery. Just difficulty getting everything moving again. Yesterday she was released from the hospital and transferred to Encompass Rehab (formally HealthSouth Rehab) to complete her recovery.

Aside: the surgeon, Jason, then age 12, played left field on my 1984 Little League baseball team!