Yes. Nancy is going through old pictures. She found one from a McCullough family reunion, my mother's family, that I'm still trying to figure out who all the people in the picture are. I'm going to get help from cousin Gwen. But the one above is no problem. This is a picture taken during one of our visits with Nancy's parents, Mike and Mary Kozak, in Gallitzin, Pennsylvania. It just might have been taken right around our daughter Melissa's 13th birthday. Our son Mark, wearing the really sharp hat, is 11. The year is 1984.
I'm amazed by the shear number of pictures we have stored away in boxes throughout this house. We have albums and pictures from our parents and grandparents of people that we have no idea who they are. And, I swear, many thousands of prints, slides, film strips, and video tapes of our own. They are hard for me and almost impossible for Nancy to just toss. We are scanning and saving the pictures that have special meaning for us and just might be of interest to later generations.