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My Birthday

Last Tuesday we celebrated my 77th birthday. That morning Nancy made cinnamon rolls for breakfast. She put a lighted candle in one of them and sang the happy birthday song. And took a picture that she later posted on Instagram.

Later that day a box showed up on our front porch that Nancy claimed was my birthday present. It turned out to be a new desk chair...some(?!) assembly required. About an hour later, with only a moderate increase in blood pressure, I posed for the picture above.

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I played in the local bridge tournament. I didn't do too badly. In 5 games I took second place once, a 4th out of 17 teams in the challenging Swiss game, and a 7th place once. I didn't do so well in the other 2 games. I'm a day late in posting this because when I got home from the game yesterday, I was too tired to be bothered with my computer.