Right. Fifty years ago today they walked on the moon. We were living in Indiana, PA. While Nancy slept, I was glued to the old black and white, 19 inch TV watching the broadcast live from the surface of the moon. I stayed with it till well past 3 AM. Man, what a night. Little did I know then that we'd end up in Huntsville, Alabama, the epicenter of that effort to put a man on the moon. I read this morning that 6% of people here in the US still believe that NASA faked the whole thing and another 15% think that it might have been faked. That's about the same number of people who think the earth is flat. It should be noted that about 20% of the population have nothing better to do.
But 10 years ago today we were enjoying the company of 3 of our grandchildren on an Alabama beach. Margaret was just 5 months old. John Michael had just turned 4 while Jackson was about to be 8. It's been 2 years since we visited the Gulf shore. I'd like to figure out a way to do it again.
While cleaning this week, Nancy found "True Value" stamps in a book. Anyone remember those? They're similar to Green Stamps.