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A Steak Dinner

A couple weeks ago I heard Nancy talking to our daughter Melissa on the phone about a recipe she used often when the kids were growing up called pepper steak. Talking about it caused her to think about actually cooking it up for us. And last Sunday she did just that. It just takes some green peppers, some round steak, and a secret mixture of several spices. I sliced the steak, but she prepared the whole meal. It tasted as good as it looks.

On Thursday, April 4, I visited our family doctor. Throat issues. Details aren't necessary. After going over my symptoms, the doctor asked if I recalled seeing her on April 4, 2018, with exactly the same complaint. I did, but I didn't realize it was exactly 1 year ago. Last year I ended up going to an ENT doctor followed by another specialist who diagnosed my problem as a reflux issue. This year we decided it just might be the pollen in the air causing all my problems. The pollen count has been ridiculously high over the last couple weeks. Every morning I find my red car, which is parked in the driveway, covered with yellow pollen. So much so that I have to hose down the car before I drive it. We expect rain today. That helps clear the air and clean the car. Oh yes, I am feeling better.