Our granddaughter Savannah flew back to Phoenix on Monday. We left the house around 10 on Monday and stopped in Cracker Barrel for breakfast on our way to the airport. But even before we walked out the door at 9:45 (Check out the clock in the background) we posed with Savannah for one final picture. OK. I took a picture of Nancy with Savannah, and Nancy took a picture of me with Savannah. And yesterday I photoshopped myself into Nancy and Savannah's picture.
We did enjoy getting to spend a few days with our oldest grandchild. She graduated from college almost a year ago and is out on her own. She has a good job, her own apartment, and can find time to occasionally catch her favorite bands in concert. Nancy particularly liked her one-on-one time with Savannah. They did get a little shopping done in spite of the rain. It was fun having her around.
When we dropped her off at the airport, I didn't say goodbye. I said, "See you later". We're already looking forward to the next time.