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Easter Visit

On Thursday our granddaughter Savannah flew from Phoenix, Arizona, to Huntsville for an Easter visit. This was her first trip to our home since July, 2015. She's been out of school (University of Arizona) for almost a year and is currently working in U-Haul's corporate office in downtown Phoenix.

Mark and his family joined us from Birmingham today for an Easter meal prepared by Nancy and me and, of course, to visit with Savannah who they had not seen since our family celebration in June, 2017. I corralled the grandkids and took the above picture. John Michael (13) is on the left. Margaret (10), Savannah (22), and Jackson (16) are next in line. Our other grandson, Ian, is hard at work at Arizona State. Mark and family returned to Birmingham this evening. I think everyone had a good time, and I know everyone had enough to eat.