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A couple of weeks ago Nancy decided that, as (I think) part of her road to recovery, she wanted to make a blueberry pie. She did just that last Saturday, and we had to eat a slice even before I could take a picture. She continues to do little things for herself that are mini-milestones along that road. It's frustrating for her that she's not recovering faster and still needs help with a few things, but it was one year ago last Wednesday that she endured a 12-hour ambulance ride returning to Huntsville from Michigan and was only able to move her left arm. She has come a long way along that road.

Update: Last week I posted comments concerning a package we mailed to Birmingham that the post office marked "return to sender" and sent it back to Huntsville through Atlanta. It took 8 days for that package to arrive back at our home, but it turns out that I indeed addressed it correctly. Why the post office was unable to deliver it is a mystery even to the person we spoke to at the post office. I was told, however, that if I carried the package to the main post office in Birmingham, I would be able to get my money back. Really?!!

For the record: On August 28, 1968, exactly 50 years ago last Tuesday, I disembarked from the SS Flying Foam in New York harbor and headed home. It was my last time crewing a merchant ship and marked the end of my 7 year relationship with the American merchant marine that included 4 years at the United States Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, New York, and 3 years sailing as a Third Mate on merchant ships. Right after I returned home and just short of our first anniversary, Nancy and I moved into an apartment in Indiana, Pennsylvania, and after Labor Day in 1968 I began graduate studies at The Indiana University of Pennsylvania. 50 years ago...