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A Car Gets a Ride

We bought our gold Prius on August 8, 2009, and it served us well for the last 9+ years. When our grandson Ian visited us in early August, we discussed whether or not he might like to have our Prius. We agreed on a price and began to think through how we might get the car to his home in Mesa, Arizona. We all agreed that Ian was not going to make the 3-day drive back home by himself. The next option was to take advantage of an upcoming visit by Melissa and Chris; they fly into Huntsville and drive back home. Doing that, however, would cut short the number of days they could visit with us. Enter plan C.

Last Sunday at around 10:30 PM the truck you see pictured above arrived in our neighborhood and the driver loaded up the Prius, the gold car in the middle of the picture. Three days later, again in the late evening, the car was delivered to Ian who, pictured on the right, appears quite happy. We hope he enjoys driving the Prius as much as we did. Both pictures were taken by our son-in-law Chris.

The next day, Thursday, was a busy one for us. Nancy had her usual get together with her stitcher group in the afternoon. The plan was, with only one car, to drop her off, quickly run through Target for some groceries, and drive to the church where I help with the children's choir. However, as I drove away from Barbara's house, after dropping off Nancy, a light on the dashboard informed me that one of my tires was losing pressure. Crap! A flat tire and me with only one car. That was my first thought, anyhow.

So I drove to the Sam's Club tire center. Parked outside the Sam's were no less than 4 fire trucks, and all the employees were standing the rain. I drove around to the tire center and asked what happened. Apparently, one of the ovens they use to cook the rotisserie chicken caught fire and the place was full of smoke. The head guy at the tire center said it would be a couple hours before they opened up. I explained my problem and asked if there was a place nearby where I could get air for my tires. He pulled a hose out of the center and put air in all my tires. I haven't looked today yet, but so far the pressure seems to be holding.