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Family Time

Last Sunday our daughter-in-law Jenny drove to Huntsville with our grandkids Jackson (now taller than me), John Michael (now taller than mom), and Margaret (catching up) for a short visit with Melissa and Chris and us. Our son Mark was playing in a tennis tournament in south Alabama and missed out on this visit. Toward the end of the day I gathered everyone together and snapped this picture.

Wednesday was Nancy's birthday. I could not find just the right card, so I had to get a little bit inventive. Chris and Melissa flew back to Arizona on Wednesday, but took us out to dinner the night before as a birthday celebration. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Nancy.

Tuesday afternoon, while Nancy and Melissa enjoyed mother/daughter time, Chris and I visited the US Space and Rocket Center here in Huntsville. As impressive as the Saturn 5 rockets are, I have a picture of Chris most admiring a life-size version of C-3PO. I'm just going to hang on to that for another time. You never know just when that might come in handy. We enjoyed our time with both Chris and Melissa and hope they did too.