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Picking Peppers

July 4th found me in our back yard weeding "Nancy's Garden" and picking some ready to eat green peppers. Earlier this year we had a discussion about what to plant in Nancy's Garden. Normally we plant lots of tomato and pepper plants. This year I wanted to plant only flowers. We compromised settling on mostly flowers and only 2 pepper plants.

I haven't said much recently about Nancy's progress toward recovery from her accident last August. There are still a number of things that she needs help with, but she is becoming more and more independent. She's getting around pretty well in the kitchen; can still make a really good salad. And yesterday, while I was away playing bridge, she drove herself to her Weight Watchers meeting. And she gets around pretty well in her favorite stores.

Our daughter Melissa's birthday was celebrated, as it usually is, in all 50 states. She was born on July 4th. We called and sang. Yes we did. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Melissa.