You know how you think of something you'd like to have, but it's after Thanksgiving and you want to wait because family members have a tough time finding the perfect Christmas present for you and you might be able to drop a hint in the right place and make everyone happy? Well, it didn't work out this year because I forgot to drop that hint, so I ordered it from Amazon after Christmas.
Now, it's just a very, very sharp kitchen knife, so why post it on the internet, you might be asking. I mean it's not as interesting as the time I posted a picture of my toes after my first pedicure! Well, it's the box it came in. One could have easily put 150 knives in that box. I picture some guy packing boxes for 8 hours a day in one of those giant Amazon store houses just blindly grabbing the first box behind him, throwing in the knife, putting in a bubble wrap, sealing it up, and sending it on it's way. Anyway, thanks for the box. We're going to put about $100 worth of shirts in it and donate them to the Purple Heart people.