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Back to School

One of our 5 grandchildren (Savannah) isn't pictured above because SHE GRADUATED from the University of Arizona in May and is hard at work at her new job with U-Haul in Phoenix and doesn't have school this year. As for the other 4, they're back to the old grind.

Ian (19) on the left above, packed up his car and headed off for his second year at Arizona State this week where he is majoring in mechanical engineering. I think the gesture with his right hand says "1 down, 3 to go" but I'm not sure.

On the right are our Birmingham grandchildren; all 3 still in school. Jackson (16 in 4 days) will be a sophomore in high school. John Michael (13) is going into 7th grade and Margaret (9) is ready and excited to be starting 4th grade. School started for each of them last week. It's hard to believe that school starts that early each year. For the record, school always started the week after Labor Day for Nancy and me, but then we didn't get a fall and spring break.

We wish all our grandchildren the best for this school year, including the one that's smiling right now because she doesn't have school and gets to travel to places like Boston on business!