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Cinco de Mayo

Nancy and I were in Pennsylvania 10 years ago on the 5th of May. We were shopping in Altoona with Nancy's mom, Mary Kozak (middle) and her aunts Jo Rozansky (left) and Julie (Nina) Bertanzetti (right) when I took this picture. Mother's Day is coming up. I thought we could call these ladies to mind one more time.

Pizza places are going up around here like weeds. We had a coupon to one of them, Uncle Maddio's Pizza, which just opened in the shopping center near our home, so we decided to give it a try. From the time we walked in the door until the pies were delivered to our table was less than 10 minutes, and the pizzas were very good. Nancy says the nice thing about Maddio's is their individual sized pizza where she can choose the crust, sauce, cheese, and toppings. The "chef" didn't hesitate when Nancy asked to add extra green peppers to her pizza. That won here over.

It seems like it rained all week here in Huntsville. No complaint. Other places west of here got way more than their share of rain and are flooded as a result. However, last night, after the front moved through, we set a record low temperature for the 5th or 6th of May. It dropped to 43 degrees. Normally by this time of the year, the A/C is running full blast 24/7. Nancy's been worried about frost and her freshly planted garden, but everything looks OK this morning.