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Stitchers Christmas Luncheon

For more than 3 decades this group of ladies, originally calling themselves the "Tuesday Stitchers", have been getting together weekly in their homes pretty much to just enjoy each other's company. Sometimes they actually do stitch. However, once a year, as Christmas approaches, they plan a luncheon to enjoy each other's cooking. That was this past Thursday.

In the picture above, which was taken after lunch, seated left to right are, Terri, Barbara, and Jerry. Standing are Joan, JoAnn, and Nancy. This year they met at Barbara's home, which was very festively decorated for Christmas. They enjoyed a nice ham dinner with all the tasty trimmings, salad, and dessert. Then they exchanged gifts and talked about their different plans for this year and reminisced about Christmases past.

As for us, we've had a slightly different approach to preparing for Christmas this year. Nancy normally likes or even loves shopping in the stores for everyone's gifts. Now, with the crowds and the lines and Nancy in a walker, it's not so much fun. So we did a lot of online shopping this week. That even saved trips to the post office where we usually run into long lines too. Now, if I could just get those Christmas cards mailed...