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Nancy's Garden

Nancy planted her garden this week; three tomato plants and 3 pepper plants. She started preparing a couple months ago by visiting the Dollar Store looking for little windmills. She thinks that motion around the garden, including strips of aluminum blowing in the wind, will keep away rabbits, squirrels, and chipmunks. She bought the actual plants about 2 or 3 weeks ago and has been keeping them in the garage awaiting the final spring frost. This week was designated planting week.

So on Tuesday she decided that the first step was cutting back the parsley growing at the near end of the garden. I guess it's a perennial since it never seems to die. She's had parsley growing there for several years. She got a bit of a surprise when she started trimming. Hidden underneath the parsley were 3 little baby rabbits. Mama rabbit was nowhere in sight. So, of course, we took a picture.

The third one is just barely visible in the upper left corner of the picture. We left them alone, but by Thursday morning, Mama rabbit had moved them to another location. At least that's what Nancy would like to think.

Nancy finished planting the garden yesterday. She informed me that the newspapers around the plants were to keep away the cutworms and other creepy crawling things that just love tender pepper and tomato plant leaves. The last step was setting up the timer on the garden irrigation system. I snapped the picture above yesterday afternoon.