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Run in the Mud

Last Tuesday our grandson Jackson participated in the 12th annual Randolph Cross Country Classic at the University of Alabama Huntsville. Reportedly, more than 1,100 boys and girls, grades 7 through 12 from all across north Alabama, ran the course that featured 4 mud-filled creek crossings. Jackson's school, Pizitz Middle School from Birmingham, sent their cross-country team, and Jackson ran in the boys junior varsity event, the first race.

We arrived there about an hour before the race was scheduled to begin and arrived early enough that we found a parking place in an actual parking lot. I felt sorry for the police who were directing traffic. It was quite hot, and they were in full uniform with vests under their shirts. We found a shade tree very near the race way and waited for the event to begin. I noticed the Pizitz team relaxing before the race near where we were standing. I walked over and took Jackson's picture and wished him luck.

Everything began on time and a few moments later, the JV boys were running right by us. Nancy snapped the above picture of Jackson and yelled encouragement as he ran by.

Thursday was a first for me. I volunteered to help with the third- through sixth-grade choir at our church. The lady who directs the choir is in my Latin chant group, and asked for help so nicely that it was hard to say no. I did have to be "trained" in child protection before I could participate. That done, my first day was Thursday. I arrived early, put out the snacks and the ice water, and waited for the little darlings to show up. I'm not sure how much help I was, but the director thanked me after we were all finished.