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One More Picture from Mesa

I like the above picture. On the Friday evening after we arrived in Mesa, Arizona, we went to a high school football game. Ian's team was hosting the #1 ranked high school team in Arizona. We got to the game pretty early, and after claiming our seats, I moved down a couple rows and snapped this picture. The stands filled up by the time the game started. Like I said, I like this picture. Melissa took the picture at the right after the game.

Last night Nancy and I attended a concert presented by the Philadelphia Brass. I'm not a real lover of brass quintets, but they did a nice job, and we enjoyed ourselves. What helped was their presentation of the music. Before each piece, one member of the quintet would come to the microphone and discuss the origin of the music they were about to perform. We like that style. So many of the classical performers tend to walk onto the stage, play their music, and walk off without so much as a howdy-do. Last night was refreshing.