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Tuesday Night in Mesa

Last week Nancy and I flew to Mesa, Arizona, to visit our daughter Melissa and grandchildren Savannah and Ian. We returned to Huntsville on Thursday. Nice flight back; door to door in 9 hours. Sure beats driving.

We enjoyed a very nice visit. Savannah, who is a junior at the University of Arizona, returned to her home for the weekend, Melissa took a couple days off from work, and Ian, who is a senior in high school, found some time between football games and practices to help make our visit the fun time it was.

On Sunday Savannah drove Nancy and Ian to the newly opened OdySea Aquarium in Scottsdale. They had an amazing experience according to everyone, and Nancy enjoyed her one-on-one (or two) with the grandkids. Tuesday evening Melissa and Nancy dressed up and drove to Arizona State's Gammage Center for a Broadway Theater Production of the Sound of Music. They both really enjoyed the evening, and Nancy is still humming some of that music today. I took this picture just as they were ready to leave.

We woke up a 3:00 AM Thursday, said goodbye to Melissa, and rode the airport shuttle to Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix. Side note: it was raining when our plane landed in Huntsville. Much needed. It seems like a month since our last rainfall.