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Stroll in the Park

There's a bike/walking path not far from our house. By noon on any given summer day it's awash in sunshine. But from early to mid-morning the trees on the east side of the path provide lots of shade for walkers like Nancy and me. Thursday morning found us once again on the path with dozens of other people. On this day, however, in addition to the shade, we had a stiff breeze which helped keep us cool in spite of the temperature, which was already in the high 80s. As we were heading to the path the wind blew Nancy's hat into the street and threatened to blow it off her head several times during the walk. And, as you can see in this selfie, the wind had its way with my normally well mannered hair.

It's Memorial Day weekend. We're staying home unlike the 33 million people hitting the highways. I do want to remember my cousin Albert who was killed in World War II and all of the other million-plus men and women who, from 1860 to 1960, gave their lives in an effort to preserve this nation and our way of life. I would feel a lot better if I could believe that even some of the younger folk in this country felt the way I do. In any event, it'll be burgers and dogs on Monday.