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Birthday Visit

Last Friday Mark, Jenny, and the kids drove up from Birmingham to help celebrate my birthday on Saturday. It was their first visit since getting a puppy they call Reecee. It rained most of the time during their visit, so Reecee didn't get much of a chance to enjoy running around in our back yard, but we did have a fun time trying to corral him inside the house. As Mark and Jenny were packing the car to leave Saturday afternoon, Nancy snapped this picture. Jackson (13) is almost as tall as me, and John Michael (10) and Margaret (7) aren't...yet.

This week, besides springing forward to daylight savings time, I sprang for a new cell phone. Nancy says it's her birthday present to me. I moved up from a Galaxy S4 to an S7. So I spent most of my free time this week transferring stuff from the old phone to the new one and, pretty much, learning about all the new stuff on the phone. I haven't come across much difference between the 2 phones. However, the number of "Settings" on the new phone is significantly larger. Pretty sure that implies more capabilities.