Last Saturday was our son Mark's birthday. We had returned John Michael from his Huntsville visit the day before and just stayed an extra day to help celebrate. Mark grilled and Jenny cooked making the Saturday evening meal very enjoyable. Before dinner and just before Mark opened his gifts, I snapped the above picture. With Mark and Jenny are John Michael (11), Margaret (7), and Jackson (approaching 14). We returned home early Sunday morning.
Monday was the "Longest Day" event at the bridge club. Games started at 7:30 AM and lasted until almost 11 PM. I played in the last 2 games. All of the money raised by the event, almost $4,000, was donated to the Alzheimer's Foundation. The games were played in honor of a club member, Louise, who has recently been diagnosed with that disease. When I decided to learn to play bridge in the 90s, I took lessons from Louise.
As I was leaving the club after the final game, I heard someone comment on the "strawberry moon". That was new to me. It turns out that a "strawberry moon" is a full moon that occurs on the same day as the summer solstice. The moon was full this past Monday; the summer solstice. It last occurred in 1967 and will not return again until 2062.
Yesterday Nancy and I drove to Birmingham to see our granddaughter Margaret singing and dancing on the last day of a day-camp she attended called "Summer Show OFFs". I expected to be bored and thought seriously about letting Nancy drive down there alone. But to my surprise, it was quite entertaining. The first- through twelfth-graders kept me smiling and applauding throughout the show. Afterward, Jenny took this picture of us with our favorite performer.