On Tuesday Nancy and I drove to Center Point, Alabama, to watch John Michael play in a tennis tournament. It's called "Center Point" because it is supposedly the exact center of Alabama. The plan was to return to Huntsville with our grandson after the tournament. However, just as we arrived, it started to rain and the tournament was cancelled. So we loaded John Michael and his stuff into our car and headed back north. Jenny with Jackson and Margaret followed us for 19 miles to the Subway in Locust Fork where we all enjoyed an evening meal. After supper we continued north to Huntsville with John Michael, and Jenny returned to Birmingham with her other two.
In Huntsville, John Michael enjoyed movies, played darts, spent a lot of time on Nancy's tablet, and shopped with Grandma. After a heavy rain on Thursday, a rainbow appeared in the sky during the late afternoon. I took the picture above. We returned John Michael to Birmingham yesterday. It was a very enjoyable visit for all of us.
Today is our son Mark's birthday. We're about to celebrate that event as I write. More on that next week. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mark.