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Camp Grandma and Paw Paw

Last Tuesday Jenny brought her kids to Huntsville for a short visit. She left one behind that evening when she returned to Birmingham. So began our granddaughter Margaret's 4-day adventure at Camp Grandma and Paw Paw. She saw "Finding Dory" with Grandma on Wednesday and on Thursday entertained Grandma's stitcher group with songs from her recent Summer Show OFFs camp. She and I tackled "Treasure Hunt" and "Spider" on the computer. And she had a great time with a trip to the Huntsville Botanical Gardens.

Yesterday, in spite of the nearly 100 degree temperature, she wanted to eat on the patio. So we made sliders and fries and moved our lunch to the back yard. I put the above picture together with the help of Photoshop.

Our daughter Melissa celebrated a birthday this past Monday. She was supposed to send me a picture commemorating the event, but it must still be in the mail. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Melissa.