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Nobody Hurt, but...

On Wednesday, while driving on airport road heading to the dentist, I approached a car facing the other way, stopped, and sitting in the turn lane. Suddenly, the car turned directly into my path. Luckily I was slowing for the red light ahead, but I still couldn't get stopped. The impact wasn't even hard enough to deploy the air bags in my car. We both were able to pull into a nearby parking lot. Her passenger side front wheel was damaged, and her car could not be driven further. My Prius was and is still drivable.

The police showed up about a half hour later and took all the usual information. When the wrecker arrived, I asked the tow truck driver for some duct tape. He kindly taped up my car, and I was able to drive home. The only thing that doesn't work is the turn signal, so I can drive the car should I have a need.

I contacted the insurance company and one of the local body shops. I go for an estimate next Friday. I fear it's going to be a couple months before my little car gets repaired. :-(