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First Snow

Yeah, I know. It's not anything to complain about compared to the Northeast, which is getting hammered as I write. I took this picture yesterday in the late afternoon. The temperature dropped into the teens last night, and we did get more snow. By the time I tried to take a second picture this morning, the over-night accumulation had melted away. It's after 10, and the roads are clear and much of the snow on the grass has melted away. According to the weather people, the temperature will be in the 40s tomorrow, so the rest won't last all that long.

Last Monday I went to lunch with a bunch of guys I used to work with. When I came out of the restaurant, it was sunny and quite cold. I noticed this fountain and snapped a picture. It didn't feel cold enough for ice to form; I wasn't even wearing a coat. But there it was.

On Tuesday Nancy and I went to Best Buy so I could talk to their Geek Squad about repairing my computer. Their estimate to do what I needed done was $350. I found a new desktop computer for $327 (including tax). It seemed like the right decision to just buy the new one. The old one still works but is giving every indication that it's hard drive is about to fail, so I spent the rest of the week copying files from the old computer to the new one and loading all our favorite programs.

Nancy made galumpkis (stuffed cabbage) for dinner last night. I had to force myself to stop eating. Really good.