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Polish Baltic Philharmonic

We attended an all-Tchaikovsky concert last night presented by the Huntsville Chamber Music Guild and featuring the Polish Baltic Philharmonic. My picture doesn't do them justice. They were terrific! But then, I'm a bit prejudice. I've never heard a Tchaikovsky piece that I didn't like. They started off with the Romeo and Juliet Fantasia Overture and followed that up with Tchaikovsky's dynamic violin concerto. The soloist was Jaroslaw Nadrzycki. No, I can't pronounce his name either. We spent some time this morning trying to figure out how old he is. He looked to be in his early 20s. Wikipedia didn't have all the information we wanted. The concert concluded with Tchaikovsky's 5th symphony followed by a Polish march as an encore. For us, it was a very enjoyable evening.

Prius update: I took it to a local body shop on Wednesday and was given a repair estimate. Not too bad. The insurance company will be picking up most of the tab. It appears that there are lots of repair jobs ahead of mine. They can't begin until the 25th.