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At the Beach?

No, we're not at the beach, but we did think about being there just the other day. I took this picture last year in May.

At home this week it rained. It was the first time it rained since before Christmas without our roof leaking water. Each time it rained since Christmas, our roofer found another place where water could seep into the room below, and the seepage became less and less with each repair. The final step was taken Monday morning. They wrapped the chimney with plastic, which the roofer claimed was responsible for a very slow drip from the crown molding around the chimney in the room below. We suffered no leakage during the following rain on Monday evening and Tuesday. Now, what to do about the chimney?

It's time to begin doing our taxes. I spent most of yesterday gathering all the material. Over the years we've moved more and more toward "paperless" communication with the various financial institutions we deal with. So how do I handle that at tax time? I go to their web sites and print off the necessary statements. So much for paperless.