Driving home from lunch yesterday, Nancy and I agreed that we had a great time and we should do this more often. "This" was lunch at Connors Restaurant with a couple retired co-workers and their wives. Good food and enjoyable discussions. We pretty much stayed away from religion and politics, but most other topics were on the table, especially stories about people we used to work with. After we finished eating, I handed my cell phone to our waitress Sam and asked her to take a picture. Nancy and I are seated on the left. Corinne and Marty on the right with Kathryn and John standing.
Tomorrow is Valentine's day, and is our youngest grandchild's 7th birthday. She's at Disney World this weekend with her Mom and Aunt Ellen. We've been getting pictures. I'll post some of those next week. In the meantime, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Margaret....and Happy Valentine's Day to all.