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Stitcher Christmas Luncheon

On Thursday Nancy hosted the annual Stitcher Christmas Luncheon. You may recall from previous posts that Nancy joined this group in the 1980s, and they've been meeting on a weekly basis since then. I first posted news of their annual luncheon exactly 11 years ago today. For this year, Nancy prepared a stuffed turkey breast, and each of the ladies brought side dishes and a dessert to the meal. I snapped the above picture after they had finished eating and were enjoying a glass of slightly cooled Pinot Noir. Around the table are Terri, Jerry, Nancy (standing), JoAnn, Barbara, and Joan.

Earlier this week our daughter Melissa told us about attending our grandson Ian's football banquet. Ian's coach gave him a plaque for being the team's "Most Inspirational Player" and a pin denoting his second year as a varsity letterman. The second pin that Ian is holding in the picture is given to team members who maintained a GPA average of 4.0 or better. Ian's senior year, first semester GPA is 4.3...sweet.

Not to be out done, Ian's sister Savannah told me last night the she obtained a 4.0 for her first semester, Junior year at the University of Arizona. Sweet too.