Last year Nancy and our granddaughter Margaret (7) discovered that Santa could be found at the marketplace in WaterColor Beach shortly after Thanksgiving. This year, on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, along with our daughter-in-law Jenny, they struck out again in search of Santa. They found him and took the opportunity to whisper their wish-lists into Santa's willing ear. One of Santa's elves took this picture with Nancy's cell phone. After that they rode in a horse-driven sleigh.
It rained this week in Huntsville. That's only important because it pretty much hasn't rained throughout the summer and fall. Because of the drought, nearby places have been catching on fire, which is not the norm for this area of the country. It's been worse just north of here in Tennessee. After the rain the temperature dropped into the 20s, and it's beginning to feel more like the winter season. So this week we lit up the fireplace and started decorating for Christmas.