We spent most of this past week in Birmingham. Mark and Jenny took the opportunity to travel to Cincinnati to watch a tennis tournament. Jackson's birthday is in 2 days, but we decided to celebrate just a little early with cupcakes and candles. I gathered the kids around the table and snapped this picture. Sister Margaret (7) and brother John Michael (11) helped Jackson (14 in 2 days) blow out the candles.
Different subject: early Thursday morning Nancy stumbled off the last step and fell, hard, onto the kitchen floor. At the emergency room in St. Vincent's Hospital we learned that she had a hairline fracture of her left elbow. She now has a splint and a sling and lots of bruises, and we have a follow up doctor's appointment for Tuesday morning. I'm not allowed to post a picture, but I am learning how to do lots of things I never thought I would have to do.