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11 Years Ago

Our youngest grandson, John Michael, was born 11 years ago tomorrow. We're planning a quick trip to Birmingham to join the celebration. I can probably come up with a more recent picture at that time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, John Michael.

The US justice system is in for a shock next week. Nancy has jury duty. More about both events next Saturday.

I've been trying to think of something exciting to write about that occurred this past week. Not coming up with anything. How about this? I tested and turned on the sprinkler system. I only had to replace one damaged sprinkler head.

Then there's the Panoply Arts Festival; a festival of arts and music held annually outdoors in Huntsville's Big Springs Park. It rains EVERY year during Panoply, and this year is no exception. It was supposed to start last evening, but it rained. And they're calling for more rain this afternoon. I'm thinking there might be a connection between my sprinkler system and Panoply rain. Maybe I should have waited until after Panoply to turn it on.