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Sports Weekend

Nancy and I drove to Birmingham yesterday afternoon for a quick visit with Mark, Jenny, and the kids. We arrived just before the kids came home from school. Jackson's in 7th grade and is on the track team at his school. John Michael is in 4th grade and Margaret's in 1st grade.

Mark treated us all to dinner at Newk's Eatery. It was our first time, and we had a very good meal. After that we were on our way to the soccer field where the Cheetahs were playing. Margaret played the keeper and sweeper positions for most of the game and moved to striker with some time left. She scored 2 goals. Yeah.

This morning was baseball. John Michael's team took the field at 10:30. He had a fair day at the plate (1 for 2 plus a walk and a run scored), but his team lost a close one 7 to 6. On defense he played the entire game behind the plate. That's him getting ready to receive the pitch in the picture above. He likes catching, but he did say that he'd like a chance to play some other position once in a while.

We returned to Huntsville just a couple hours ago.