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50th Anniversary Celebration

On Wednesday and Thursday last week Nancy and I drove to Michigan to visit Nancy's sister Elaine and her husband Karl. We arrived in time to join a family celebration of Elaine and Karl's 50th wedding anniversary. We were really looking forward to this trip because we had not seen our niece and her family for several years and it was around 12 years ago that we last visited with our nephew Kirk and his wife. After a celebratory dinner we gathered in Elaine's living room for the picture above.

In the picture Karl and Elaine are just left of center. On THEIR left is the family of their daughter Kristy and on THEIR right is the family of their son Kirk. That's us on the far right of course. So, seated on the left are Kirk's daughter Skylar (8) and son Ethan (10). Standing behind them are Kirk, his wife Shannon, and his other son Jack (11). This was our first introduction to their very interesting children.

Standing with Kristy are her son Vann (16), her husband Rick, her daughter Kyra (14), and her other son Trey (11). We had a great time visiting with everyone. We wish a big HAPPY ANNIVERSARY for Elaine and Karl with many more years to come.