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Gallitzin Homecoming

We arrived in Pennsylvania last Saturday. Gallitzin High School Homecoming was Sunday evening. Alumnae gather in the Oriental Ballroom each year around Labor Day to meet old friends and celebrate the class 50 years removed from their graduation. Nancy's cousin Joyce was a member of the class of 1965, so the evening was extra special for her and for us. Joyce and her family; husband Rick, daughter Jill, and son Craig; are pictured above.

Of course there were some members from Nancy's graduating class present. Nancy gathered them together and I snapped the second picture above. They are, left to right, Bonnie, Karen, Nancy, Pauline, Dorothy, Rosemarie, and Deanna.

On Monday we met Deanna and husband Artemis and the couple who bought Nancy's Aunt Nina's house, Joe and Karen, for dinner at the Knickerbocker Tavern in Altoona. That was a fun evening. And on Wednesday, while Nancy lunched with ladies from her Mercy Hospital nursing school class, I enjoyed a meal with the guy who was "best man" at our wedding. On Thursday Joe and Karen invited us to their home. They've made some very nice and somewhat innovative changes and additions to the house, inside and out. We were happy to see that Nina's home is being so well taken care of.

We've been staying with Nancy's cousin Becky and her husband Orville. I know that fish and visitors stink after 3 days, and we've been there since last Saturday... We thank them for their generous and gracious hospitality.