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Fun Times

From Tuesday last week till Monday this week, Nancy was in Birmingham helping with the grandkids while Mark and Jenny enjoyed a working vacation in southern California. I was there on Sunday, so we took the kids to the theater. Jackson and I saw "The Martian" while Nancy, John Michael, and Margaret watched "Hotel Transylvania 2". Their movie was shorter than ours, so they walked around the area waiting for us to get out. Nancy took 2 dozen pictures, as usual. Here's one where she managed to photo bomb her own picture. Can you really do that?

Nancy's sister Elaine and her husband Karl spent the last week on a bus tour from Michigan to New Orleans. Around 6 last night Karl called saying that his bus, on its way back to Michigan, had just stopped so everyone could dine at a Cracker Barrel in Athens, Alabama. Since Athens is just 25 miles from our house, we jumped into the car and got there just in time to say hello and hug everyone before the bus pulled out. Elaine thought it was a nice birthday surprise. Her birthday is this coming week. No, believe it or not, we didn't get any pictures!