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Thanksgiving Dinner

On Tuesday Nancy and I left Huntsville around 10 AM and arrived in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, (aka Watercolor Beach) just before sunset. It wasn't without a little angst. We started out shortly after 9, but around 5 miles south of town, the low tire pressure indicator flashed on. I stopped and checked the tires. No flats, but I couldn't see driving 300 miles staring at that light. So we turned around and drove to Sam's where I have a "lifetime" tire care warranty. We were fixed up and back on the road by 10.

We opened the condo and had our traditional pizza meal ready when Mark, Jenny, Jackson (13), John Michael (10) and Margaret (6) arrived later in the evening.

The temperature climbed into the high 70s each day with lots of sun. Playing on the beach, swimming in the pool, scrabble, long walks, and tennis were the order of the day. The highlight of our beach trip, however, was our Thanksgiving meal. The ladies did a great job with the food and the table. Before digging in, I set up the camera for this picture. We all enjoyed our time together. HAPPY THANKSGIVING.