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It's Her Birthday...Today

Yes, today is Nancy's birthday. Yesterday flowers arrived from Melissa, Savannah, and Ian. More on tap for later today. She likes to celebrate her birthday the entire month, so we've only just begun. She's still considerably younger than me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Love you.

I had an interesting week. Last weekend I played in a bridge tournament and did pretty well. My partner and I made the middle of the first page on a 3-page, top to bottom, list of players. I know. It's a weird way to measure success, but it works with me.

Then on Tuesday my desktop computer started to tank. Every time I did something to correct an issue, it got worse. I told nurse Nancy it was like organs shutting down one after another. Eventually it stopped working all together, so I was forced to do a "refresh" which is essentially reinstalling the operating system. By last night I had it up and running once again. Interestingly, I didn't lose any data! I'm writing this page on the desktop right now, but I also have my fingers crossed.