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Baseball Season Officially Begins

Yesterday Nancy and I drove to Birmingham just so we could watch our grandson John Michael play baseball early this morning. And, I guess, to visit with the rest of John Michael's family. For his first at bat, pictured above, he hit the ball down the first base line just out of the reach of the right fielder and ended up at third base. He blooped a single over the shortstop for his next at bat and promptly stole second on the first pitch and third on the very next pitch.

Now a little background. Yesterday we gave John Michael a baseball trivia game and spent about an hour reading and trying to answer trivia questions. The game was probably 20 years old, so none of the current players that John Michael is familiar with were included. He learned, for instance, that Jack Chesbro won 41 games for the New York Highlanders in 1904. He also learned that Ty Cobb stole second, third, and home 7 times in his career.

So when he stole second and then third, Mark and I shared a smile. At his next at bat, he walked and in 3 pitches stole second, stole third, and stole home. No I didn't get a picture of him sliding, safely, into home.

In the field he played second base for the entire game. Check out the picture. He's ready for the ball to be hit his way.