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Alabama State VEX Robotics Championship

Last week I said something about just getting back from Jacksonville and that I would have more to say about that this week. Nancy wondered if our readers would think that I meant Florida. Well, no. We spent last Saturday at the VEX Robotics Championship at Jacksonville State University, which is in Alabama about 90 miles southeast of Huntsville. We went there to support our grandson Jackson whose middle school robotics team was entered into the competition. I snapped this picture with my cell phone while the team was putting some final touches on their robot. It was a first for us and an interesting day also.

Thursday was my birthday. I received lots of well-wishes. My sister emailed me. My Birmingham grandkids sang to me over the phone. I got calls from Melissa, Mark, and Jenny. Savannah sent a text. Melissa also sent a steak dinner that I enjoyed Thursday. And several people left happy birthdays on my Facebook wall. Nancy provided a delicious cake and 1 candle and took this picture Wednesday evening after dinner. My thanks to everyone.