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Before Leaving Florida

The evening before returning to Alabama, we walked to the beach for pictures. Here's one Mark took with my camera. We spent a wonderful week with Mark, Jenny, and the kids on WaterColor beach, which is somewhat west of Panama City in the Florida panhandle. On Thursday evening we took Jackson, John Michael, and Margaret to 'Pizza by the Sea' for dinner giving their parents a night out. Our pizza was pretty good. We'll have to do that again. We returned home last Saturday.

We expected a relaxing week, but when the air conditioner crapped out on Monday, the week went south in a hurry. It's no fun in Alabama, even in June, without air conditioning. We had 5 reps from various outfits pitch their brand of heating/cooling systems. We ended up selecting a Trane, which was installed yesterday. It has a 10 year warranty, so on June 6, 2025, we'll be tiptoeing around the unit expecting it to shut down at any moment.

We are renovating the ceiling, walls, and floor of what I call our computer room. So while I worried over the state of our air conditioning, we spent lots of time trying to find space in the house for the things in the room we want to keep.