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Jackson Goes to Camp

Our grandson Jackson (12) spent the week of the 14th of June in Huntsville at the Space and Rocket Center's Aviation Challenge Camp. We attended his graduation last Friday where this picture was taken. Check out some of his adventures by clicking on the link to the camp above. Jackson graduated "Top Gun" in the Mach II age group and apparently had a pretty good time.

Our granddaughter Savannah, who just finished her first year at the University of Arizona, flew in from Arizona on Monday. That was a bit of an adventure for her also. She was scheduled to arrive in Birmingham around 6:30, but the second leg of her flight (Tampa to Birmingham) was cancelled while she was in the air from Phoenix! Melissa, her mom, arranged for Savannah to transfer to a flight from Tampa to Nashville arriving in Nashville around 8:30. Luckily, we had not started out for Birmingham before we got word of the schedule change. Savannah made sure her luggage made the same flight, and we picked her up in Nashville and got home before midnight. She's here till next Friday, so I'll have a lot more to say about her visit next week.