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Margaret Goes to Camp

When Mark and Jenny returned to Birmingham last Sunday, they left their son Jackson at the Space Center for the Aviation Challenge Camp and their daughter Margaret (6) at Camp Grandma & Paw Paw. We had lots of fun with Margaret during this past week. We played on the Wii, but she and Nancy spent the most time together. As you can see, one of the things they did was make a camp T-shirt. Margaret put the finishing touches by painting a rainbow on the back of the shirt.

On Monday Margaret and Nancy went to the Huntsville Botanical Garden or as Margaret called it the "mechanical garden". They had a really nice time at the various Lego exhibits throughout the garden including a few hands-on areas with large size Lego bricks. Of course the Butterfly House was great, and several water features among the beautiful flowers felt good since it was in the high 90s. On Wednesday Nancy and Margaret went to the movies to see HOME, a cartoon movie. It was cute and the theater was much cooler than the outdoors.

Margaret got to pick and eat our first tomatoes of the season, yum! We went out to dinner a few times and enjoyed a lot of one-on-one time, our personal favorite. She was scheduled to go home Wednesday but since the family was coming for Jackson's graduation from Aviation Challenge Camp on Friday, Margaret asked to stay till then. The house seems very quiet since they all left around noon today.

Now we prepare for our second visitor of the summer. We pick up our oldest grandchild Savannah (18) on Monday. She's flying in from Mesa, Arizona, for a few days. Nancy says she just might have to make another T-shirt. :)