Nancy has been planning a renovation of our "computer room" or our "downstairs room" or our "grandkids toy room" (We don't have a standard name for that room.) since we moved into this house almost 20 years ago. We will finally begin on Monday, and not a day too soon for Nancy. They delivered the dumpster for the trash yesterday. We've been carrying stuff out of that room for about 4 weeks. The computers are set up in our dining room. The beer mirrors, all 35 of them, are in one of the bedrooms. As for the thousands of photographs and slides, they're in the dining room also. Our plan is to scan the "keepers" and then throw the whole lot into the recycle bin. I think I can find room for one itty-bitty flash drive, which will hold all our pictures.
Tomorrow our grandson Jackson starts his 1-week Aviation Challenge adventure at the Space and Rocket Center "Space Camp" here in Huntsville. Mark is bringing up the whole family to see Jackson off. However, Jackson isn't the only one going to camp. Our granddaughter Margaret (6) is going to the somewhat popular Camp GrandmaPawPaw. She'll be staying with us for a few days. You can expect more on both camps next week.